One day with our industrial assembly department during the installation of the RGM-G
Worms - Germany
In the past weeks we have been able to accompany some of our technical departments during the installation and commissioning of the new tire uniformity measuring machine, type RGM-G. We have taken a look over the shoulders of our colleagues and gained exciting insights.
Today, we are starting our series "One day with our..." and asked our colleagues from the industrial assembly department in the middle of setting up the tire uniformity measuring machine (type RGM-G) what kind of work is involved in the assembly of such a machine.
As a first step, the individual assemblies are assembled and the necessary components centrally compiled for this purpose. This serves as a work preparation activity for a more efficient installation.
Our trainee, who is about to take his final exams, is actively working on the machine and gave us a shoulder view of his work. He is responsible for mounting the tire centering assembly. This involves activities such as the fitting and alignment of linear guides, pneumatic cylinders and other production parts.
The assembly usually takes 1-2 weeks, depending on the components and machine type. However, an RGM-G, whose suffix G stands for giant, is a special machine due to its dimensions, with a system height of over 4 meters, so installation can take a few days longer.
After the assembly of the modules, the individual stations of the system are set up in such a way that they are in line. Special care must be taken to ensure that, when aligning the individual stations, the conveying height corresponds to the specifications of our customers for conveying technology. Afterwards the individual stations are dowelled to the hall floor so that no difficulties due to movements or vibrations of the machine occur during the later commissiong. Then the pneumatic lines are laid and the cable ducts are installed, in preparation for the further activities in the electrical manufacturing department, whose work begins after the mechanical assembly. Finally, the conveyor system is integrated and aligned to the specified conveyor height and position.
As soon as this work is completed, the machine is handed over to the electrical manufacturing department for further processing. You can find out more about the impressions of this department in our next part of the series: "One day with our...".
We are pleased to have gained an exciting insight into the work of our industrial assembly staff at Hofmann today. We thank our colleagues for the shoulder view and the interesting impressions.
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